Email First Name * Last Name * Email Address * Phone Number * Do you have an offer of indeterminate, full-time employment from an employer in British Columbia? * Yes No How many years of related (with respect to your job offer) work experience do you have in the last 10 years? 5+ years 4-5 years 3-4 years 2-3 years 1 to 2 years Less than 1 year None Was at least 12 months of this directly related work experience obtained in Canada? Yes No What is your highest level of completed education? Doctoral or Master's Degree Post Graduate Certificate or Diploma Bachelor's degree Trade certification Associate degree Non-trades Certification or Diploma High School Have you completed a post-secondary level of education in B.C.? Yes No Have you completed a post-secondary level of education in Canada (outside B.C.)? Yes No Have you obtained an Education Credential Assessment (ECA) from an identified qualified supplier? Yes No Have you obtained a Trades certification assessment from the Industry Training Authority? Yes No Candidates may be awarded points for ability in English or French. If you have taken a standardized language test recognized by the government of Canada, please choose the Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) that corresponds to your overall language ability. * CLB 4: Less than high Basic CLB 4: High Basic CLB 5: Initial intermediate CLB 6: Developing intermediate CLB 7: Adequate intermediate CLB 8: Fluent intermediate CLB 9: Initial Advanced CLB 10: Advanced